Your Awakening Resource Your Awakening Resource
April 8, 2023

Your Spiritual Architecture

Posted on April 8, 2023  •  8 minutes  • 1507 words
Table of contents

You are formed from consciousness in layers. Each layer, or plane of existence, is a whole world to live in at a different frequency, in a different lifestyle format. The final, outer layer is the physical one.

You are Multidimensional. This means you exist simulataneously in each layer with a unique voice and perspective. Your reality map, which typically includes only the other layer, can be extended to incorporate the inner layers. When you express the voice, consciousness and energy properties of every layer, you alter the nature of your reality. It becomes fluid, nonlinear, and limitless.

The Four Ideas

The Absolute, Sat, GodHead, or Source is whole, timeless, and indivisible. To create the experience of being a separate being, we start with the first idea: Vibration, or Aum (vs. stillness).

The Everything—all matter, all energy, all thoughts, all streams of consciousness that appear in reality—exists in Aum. Vibration begins the projection or outpicturing of the Absolute, but is not sufficient to create separateness.

Vibration has two aspects / additional ideas: Time, or Kala, which gives us change and frequency (vs. timeless, unchangeable), and Space, or Desa, which gives us division or distance (vs. oneness, indivisible).

The fourth idea is the Atom, or Anu. Atoms are the Throne of the Creator, the vibratory structure that gives us Within and Without (vs. absolute, everything already created). They are the doorways between the inner and outer worlds. Nothing here in our Physical experience is created here, it all projects from the Absolute.

Here we are a projection, a reflection. We, the camera projecting, all of it is in fact the Absolute. Hence manifest reality is an Illusion. The Illusion has two aspects: individual and group. We each experience the veil, an individual Ignorance, or Avidya. We also have a shared experience, taking in the Atoms en masse as tangible, which is Maya.

We can play with the 4 ideas, they are toys. For example we can strive to achieve a higher vibration. Or we can seek God, looking outside for what we are within. There is no judgement, as creators we are given these ideas to play with. But when we set down these toys, and sit in the Stillness, Avidya dissolves, and we realize we never left. We can then directly experience that nothing appearing here is real, and Maya dissolves.

This is realizing the Self, or Self Realization. Which is not a far out, distant thing, but rather a natural thing, embracing our True nature. The entire universe rests on a single thought (vibration). At night, in deep sleep, this thought dissolves, and we become Gods again. We naturally return home.

The Planes of Existence

Your multidimensional consciousness lives on three different planes of existence, simultaneously. Each plane is the source for the next, so its properties also exist in the plane that it forms. Yet these properties may be hidden from your awareness, as your beliefs direct your experience.

For example, if you believe you are only physical, your attention stays with your sense perceptions. Your thoughts and focus will then just loop around in your physical experience, on the surface of phenomena. You won’t notice the inner source code, or the doorways to access the other planes.

Your awareness is a property of the Absolute. It traverses all the planes, so you can move beyond here with your awareness. You can also direct consciousness from Source to your reality with awareness. If you think of it as a wire, consciousness can flow either direction along the wire.

The Causal Plane

Here, you are fully realized particles. You live beyond the need for planets. You might take a particular form just for communication with other beings. Similar to how we speak phrases to communicate in the Physical plane, a form helps communicate an experience, and changing that form brings a different perspective. You have no need to maintain a form. You are more like the atmosphere. An intelligent, limitless, creative atmosphere.

The Causal plane is formed with four ideas: Vibration, Time, Space and Particles. In this plane, you are fully realized particles. You don’t have a form, and there are no planets, structures, etc. You are unlimited, formless energy and consciousness, or presence.

When you open to your Causal presence, you access the qualities of Truth, Alignment and Wisdom from a broader, multidimensional perspective. The Causal plane isn’t just a place you advance to after you break free from the cycle of Physical lifetimes and Ascend – that is an outdated concept. Causal consciousness is the underlying fabric that forms everything here, including your body, so you can attune to it with the right focus.

The Astral Plane

Here, you have planets, but materials are not as solid or fixed, as it is here on Earth. Everything is made of light energy, and you can create things instantly from your thoughts. You create from joy, and there is no hard work. Creations don’t degrade. You don’t struggle or get lost in survival. You have unlimited energy, and don’t get bogged down in things.

The Astral plane has the Causal plane as its foundation. Astral adds polarities, or Gunas, giving you positive, neutral, and negative. The Astral body, or Lingasarira, is formed with 17 ideas, or fine limbs: On the positive pole, we have the ideas of the five senses, plus intelligence, or Buddhi. On the neutral pole, the five actions. And on the negative pole, the five sense objects, plus mind, or Manas.

These ideas and polarities provide the foundation you need to take form, and experience life as a form. The polarities also create the idea of the Heart, or Chitta vs. Ego, or Ahamkara.

When you open to your Astral energy and consciousness, you amplify the qualities of Magnetism, Energy, Feeling, and Action. You don’t have to Ascend to the Astral plane to embody your Astral consciousness. Your Astral lifetimes and forms are available within to upgrade your Physical experience, and deepen your expression of who you are.

The Physical Plane

The Physical plane aranges these ideas as sheaths around the Atoms to form matter. The Atom, which is the doorway, is also the heart. This is the first sheath, or Kosha. Second, we have Buddhi. Third, Manas and the 5 senses. Fourth, Prana and the 5 actions. The fifth and final, outer sheath is Gross matter, the 5 objects.

Gross matter appears in five varieties: solid, liquid, fiery, gaseous, and ethereal.

This produces a lot of complexity to experience: states of matter, layers, and stages of creation. What was once simple now seems like an unending kaleidoscope of variations. All these variables can funnel your attention far, far away from being multidimensional. They distract you from your true nature, and reinforce a sense of being finite.

With these complexities, it is typical to live as a person, completely unaware that you are an infinite being.

The physical layers give you the feedback of “mass consciousness” – the combined thoughts and habit paths of many people living as finite, limited beings. These reinforce your limited perception of who you are.

Your Body’s Architecture

Your subconscious mind is a like a very sophisticated computer. It is your interface between your finite physical experience, and the infinite consciousness. The program code is made up of stored beliefs and feelings. Your subconscious brings you new experiences based on those beliefs and past experiences.

In addition to the subconscious mind, your autonomic nervous system maintains “normal” functioning, based on the habit paths or routines you have formed. These allow you to operate without much conscious thought. If you step too far outside of what feels normal, your autonomic nervous system can be triggered, providing a panic response. This can be a fight or flight signal, or a retreat and withdraw response.

All of these systems can limit you from focusing on your infinite potential. The diagram above gives an overview of what’s there to navigate and align, to embody your multidimensional nature or True self.

By accessing your Causal and Astral consciousness, it is like opening a doorway. You find that you already exist as a being on each plane, with different perspectives and possibilities, and a different identity.

Typical Beliefs

The mass consciousness embraces many limiting beliefs, so you may be working through these as well:

Although you can experience these things, you are not constructed from them. You are not your experience. You can reprogram your subconscious mind with repetition of new beliefs and experiences. You can also incorporate the energies and consciousness of your inner layers into your awareness, and extend your map of reality.

As you express your Causal and Astral consciousness, it automates the process of reprogramming. These planes give you an expanded perspective of wholeness. From this perspective, your consciousness naturally unwinds any limited, linear mindsets and beliefs. The more you express and experience the higher frequencies of your inner layers, you organically return to your natural, multidimensional state.

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