Your Awakening Resource Your Awakening Resource
April 4, 2023

Spiritual Awakening

Posted on April 4, 2023  •  4 minutes  • 795 words
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What is Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening is the process of exploring and ultimately embodying your True self and multidimensional nature. It begins with experiences that break you out of your viewpoint as finite. You open to possibilities beyond struggle and suffering.

But what does this mean, to be multidimensional? It means you exist simultaneously on different planes, in different types of experiences in consciousness. For example you exist in a formless state, as fully realized particles. You also exist in a light body, on planets that are light. As you awaken to these other forms of you, your experience of your physical form can transform. You can incorporate the consciousness systems of these planes into your life and reality.

For example, if you experience your Astral and Causal consciousness, you can explore how their qualities reshape experiences and interactions with others.

Your Astral Self

Awakening often begins when you access your Astral energy and consciousness. You become familiar with its qualities, and with your gifts and abilities developed beyond this lifetime.

Many stop here, integrating some Astral capabilities. It is really up to each individual what is right for them, what they are looking for in life. You can retain the overall idea that you are a person, just with access to more. A person with an advanced awareness and spiritual abilities.


Awakening is also about your identity. Some desire to transcend the identity of being a person, and explore the nature of oneness. Before awakening, you identify as your physical body and its past experiences. As you awaken more and more, you start to shift that identity to your spirit or Atman. From a multidimensional perspective, you already exist on the Astral and Causal planes. Opening your identity to include your existence on these planes is another element of awakening.

There are also deeper levels of awakening, where your identification shifts to be pure consciousness, to be the source or creator. Your awareness, like a wire, spans from your projected form, back to the source of all energy and vibration. It can also go the other way, from source to your reality. Your heart chakra, like the center of each atom, provides the doorway between inward and outward, between source and manifest reality, as shown below:

In this deeply awakened viewpoint, you recognize that you are the consciousness that projects, as well as the reflection of that projection. As the creator of the projection, you can decide what to project.

What Awake Feels Like

This is the creator viewpoint, where you choose what you desire in your heart, and direct consciousness to your physical reflection to actualize that choice. What this feels like is inwardly confident and certain, imbued with knowing. As your body consciousness, things feel more fluid, and changeable, with an underlying sense of being connected and supported. You open to receive what is already created in consciousness, instead of thinking you have to manually make it happen.

Also, your sense of time and memory can change. Your mind stays more blank, like a clean slate. When you need to know something, it appears in your mind, but otherwise, you’re not holding onto any particular memory. You may not remember or perceive what time it is, unless prompted. It is a free state of mind.

Your sense of identity can also change, for example in one situation, you may feel more like formless presence. In another, you may feel more like an energetic, excited, unlimited body that’s ready for action. And so on. You don’t have to always embody the same version or flavor of your spirit.

Awakening also involves swinging back and forth between your linear, finite, more physical experience, and the more fluid, flowing and aware consciousness experience. It takes a bit to acclimate your body to what you are beyond form, and unwind from your linear viewpoint as a person. It is normal for your experience to move back and forth as things integrate.

Embodying Your True Nature

Awakening also includes the changes your body goes through to acclimate to your True nature. Your body may be rather used to the stresses of life, and the adrenaline and cortisol accompanying stress. You are also used to “fitting in” to a mainstream point of view, and the sense of belonging that brings. So embracing your awakening can mean weaning yourself from stress, as well as letting go of the desire to fit in.

Embodying your True nature doesn’t mean leaving life and everything behind. You don’t have to leave the Physical plane to embody your Astral expression, Causal presence, and creator consciousness. Rather, you can become truly multidimensional, limitless, and free to create your reality. You can live your life from a deeper experience of joy, connection, and wholeness.

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