Your Awakening Resource Your Awakening Resource

About Me

Posted on April 5, 2023  •  2 minutes  • 351 words
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What I do is map the inner realms, how each of us is formed from consciousness in layers, into the physical experience.

I help you find your unique voice and perspective in each plane, which is a whole world unto itself. I guide you in the process of embodying these.

I communicate with your energy and consciousness in each plane, to see what extent of those are in your map of reality.

I introduce those energies and consciousness to extend your map of reality, and open inner lines of communication and expression. Then as you express the voice, consciousness and energy properties of each layer, you alter the nature of your reality to become fluid, nonlinear and limitless.


For example, let’s say you initailly approach a situation thinking:

When your reality map sufficiently includes the inner realms, the logic flips to:

Your viewpoint inverts. I help you acclimate to this transformation, and understand how to apply it.


My Background

I share what I have experienced. I have a background in both computer architecture, and human consciousness architecture. I first discovered Sedona, Arizona in the late 90’s, and then moved there and worked as a spiritual healer.

Since then I have awakened and gone back to sleep several times. This unusual path gave me lots of perspectives on what it takes to flip your reality inside out. I have access to my multi-dimensional selves, and can embody as different versions of these. More importantly, I can show others how to do the same, how to become the unified expression of all the layers of consciousness that we exist on.

The following video covers my background with the planes of existence in more detail:

Watch the video

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